About Us

Welcome to Reel Nurse Designs!

     I am a Nurse with over 30 years of experience. I spent 13 years at the bedside in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. An altercation with a small 4 wheeler caused me to have to look at other options besides bedside nursing. I am now in education at a small regional facility.

     I started crafting many years ago and have tried many different crafts over the years. Crafting lets me have the creative escape I need to help deal with some of the every day challenges we each endure.

How I came up with Reel Nurse Designs?

     One day, I offered to do something for a patient. The unit secretary, who has known me for years, asked "You are a nurse?" I replied yes I am a nurse and jokingly told her that's why I have RN behind my name for Real Nurse. We all had a good laugh. So when I started making badge reels I started looking for a unique name. Reel Nurse Designs was born.

Thanks for visiting my site! I hope you find something you like and will share my site with your friends.
